The following works provide further information on the subjects covered in a visit to the Museum of the Risorgimento in Lucca, focusing on the events and people of the Risorgimento in the Lucca region.
Mancini Giuseppe (editor), “Un’italiana del popolo” (An Italian of the People). Cleobulina Cotenna. Published and unpublished writings, Maria Pacini Fazzi publisher, Lucca 2013,
An (almost) unknown heroine of the Risorgimento in Lucca, Tuscany and Italy. An educated and politically engaged lady, noble and unlucky.
Pizzi Roberto, Squadre e Compassi della Lucchesia intorno all’Unità d’Italia (Groups and deliberations on Italian Unification in the Lucca region), Maria Pacini Fazzi publisher, Lucca 2011,
Stories and protagonists from another Lucca: a secular, tolerant city, open to progress and able, like few others, to produce art and culture.
Sereni Umberto, Per l’Italia giusta. Uomini, vicende e memoria del Risorgimento nella Valle del Serchio (For a just Italy. Men, events and memories of the Risorgimento in the Serchio valley), Maria Pacini Fazzi publisher, Lucca 2005,
Facts, ideas and people featuring in the process of Italian unification from the “Sunday of the flags” in 1831 to the memoir of the Risorgimento by Giovanni Pascoli.
Simonetti Simonetta, Luisa Amalia Paladini. Vita e opere di una donna del Risorgimento (Life and works of a lady of the Risorgimento), Maria Pacini Fazzi publisher, Lucca 2013,
The biography of an intellectual from Lucca who made a significant contribution to the Italian cause and that of the women’s emancipation.
Sodini Carla, Tito Strocchi e il suo taccuino di memorie del 1866 (Tito Strocchi and his notebook of memories of 1866), Published by ETS, Pisa 2014, pp. 165,
The war of 1866 reviewed in the notebook of Tito Strocchi, born in Lucca, “soldier, member of Garibaldi’s forces, follower of Mazzini”.
For further information, please consult the Catalogue of the Libraries and Archives of the Province of Lucca.